
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sarah lost another baby tooth on top and has been doing very well. She brushes her teeth morning and evening before bed and even helps me to brush her teeth when she can and is in the mood. Since she hasn't gotten the concept of the difference of spitting (between rinsing and spitting food and drink - I dare not broaden my problems as of yet!) I continue to put a tiny pea size of very good anti-cavity, dentist recommended toothpaste on her brush (since swallowing that amount will only give her the same amount of flouride/flourine found in water treatment, and I also get the baby/toddler toothpaste that requires no rinsing and has a much better flavor. It's a shame that we can't find our usual Disney Princesses. It was not only a psychological matter, but also a matter of taste. Even though it's bubble gum, Sarah doesn't chew gum for reasons of - well, it's pretty obvious. I know she'd swallow it, not realizing what it's for, even if she were told and would have a cesium full of chewing gum to be removed later. Not a nice thought. We have a dental appointment coming up and let's hope for the best all.

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