
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sarah's Recent Award in School

Not every day; however, but for the past two days, Sarah has really excelled and I've been exceptionally pleased to teach her. She's been receptive to learning and to watching the fun learning shows. She's been kept clean and we've had fun and had the proper home and school diet. I purchased her vitamins (that would still be necessary regardless of going outside or not. I just have to crush them up and put them in her allergy meds and other stuff in the morning when we get ready for school.) It's just like when you go out in the sun for any prolonged period of time, you have to purchase face lotion, sunblock and take her meds, communication, change of clothes, towel, wipes and incontinent supplies like her wipes, moisture barrier, changing pads, and, of course (thankfully we just ordered the next size up) pull-up pants. We are planning to start going out a bit more when we have our transportation issues fixed because we always got things done when we could cruise about town and see people and do things, stop in places, stroll about and meet different people. We were always more presentable, more social and able to work very well together. Often, we're tired just like anyone else and we have obligations at home that keep us here, but we do like to get out on nice days too and also have a way to call for help or to have a ride home if needed.

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