
Friday, June 22, 2012

Just registered Sarah and I so we can begin to look for a descent hair-style.  She's been needing one terribly and I needed to find someone local that can keep my hair trimmed, shaped and styled decently.  Coloring and perming (if I decide later) will be another thing.
          We're fixing to call it a late evening and go to bed.  Sarah got to review her Baby Einstein CDs and is letting me know which ones she recommends for our Special Needs ILS website.  I think she's a good candidate for such.  Need to get a printer for up front, hook up our scanner for the front that only works with this machine and Windows XP and figure out how the heck we're going to burn a copy of 3.37 GB worth of Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate x64.  Hopefully someone will be able to assist us with the app and find it useful.  We also have a copy of the same in Windows 8 Variety and it's pretty cool to keep up with technology in our field too.   Learning, education and everything (that's typically not new under the sun) has a bit of difference in style and has a collaborative effort to make you work at finding its' niches.  I hope we'll eventually have something here to be able to load them on and the space to store our business and school stuff.
          I'm hoping to get our program off to a start where it is properly structured, is self-sufficient; however will always need a bit of revision and work, and will benefit a multitude of people, including our family and my child.  Thanks for reading and good night - it's late and we really need the rest.
This is our first post on the site today.  I've been pretty-much feeling awful with a virus-type thing going on and have felt horrible.  Have gotten a lot of work done and still have a lot of things to do.  Same thing......  We finally put together our school blog, like I promised Sarah on one of our lesson plans.  Just had to figure out how to do the thing and got it going.  Took a good deal of the day and felt horrible, but what the heck, took my mind off feeling terrible. 
          Most of the pictures are at the side of the blog along with links and other gadgets and resources; however if you scroll down to the end of the page, you will find more stuff too.  You can even carry us along via your Android app mobile via our barcode - cool.  Thanks for visiting and we hope to begin working on our website and educational spot at  Lee and Sarah.